badge Online Health Care | Beauty Tips | Fashion Style: Treat your sensitive scalp right

Treat your sensitive scalp right

Have you ever noticed that your irritated and itching scalp constantly bothers you? It happened so that some people are more exposed to different hair and skin problems like dandruff, dryness, greasiness, and excessive sensitivity. Today, our professionals at New York Hair Salon offer you three most common reasons for sensitive scalp and ways to treat it.

The absence of barrier
Just like everything in our body, your scalp is covered by natural protective layer. Hollows in this barrier make your scalp lose much moisture that it is acceptable. As a result, your skin starts to lack useful minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants, which make new healthy hairs to grow. At the same time, your scalp becomes itchy, red, and irritated.

Wrong hair care routine
If you get used to washing your hair every single day and then apply alcohol containing styling products to your hair for the beautiful hairdo, sooner or later your head will turn to a stack of hay. In such a difficult situation you obliged to use moisturizing shampoos, nourishing masks, and conditioners. You are to save your skin and locks till it is possible.

Dermatological problems
If you ruled out all previous reasons, but the problem is still here, it means you need to visit your dermatologist. Your doctor will help you to understand what really causes scalp sensitivity and exclude other diseases.
Follow our tips, and you will have a natural, shiny hair and healthy, moisturized scalp. Change your hair routine with our useful advice and stay beautiful 24/7.

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