badge Online Health Care | Beauty Tips | Fashion Style: HEATHY BEAUTY HACKS EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW


Fun and healthy beauty life hacks for you!

Check out these simple and fun life hacks for improved beauty and health!

1. Whiten Nails With Toothpaste

Some nail polishes tend to leave a nasty, yellowish tint on the nails. Unfortunately, it

does not get out even if you rub it with a nail polish remover. Fortunately, you can use

a whitening toothpaste instead. Polish your nails with the paste until the stains are out.

We suggest utilizing a spare toothbrush for better results. Add a little bit of baking soda

or lemon juice if the tint is too stubborn.

2. Whiten Teeth With Banana Peels

Don’t throw away the banana peels left after you’ve had your lunch. Use them to whiten

your pearly whites! Rub the inside part of the peel on your teeth for several minutes

and leave it on for about 15 minutes. Use a clean, dry toothbrush to buff in the residue.

Repeat the procedure several times throughout the next several weeks. This simple life

hack will help you to whiten your teeth as well as preserve their health by decreasing

their exposure to chemicals.

3. Get Rid Of Dandruff With Beet

How many times have you rejected the idea of visiting a prestige hair salon because

you were embarrassed by your flaky scalp? Get rid of dandruff with the help of a

beetroot. Boil it for some time and rinse your mane with the water. Massage it into your

scalp and let it sit for approximately 20 minutes. This hack will be beneficial for people

with red and dark hair. We recommend finding another option if you are a light haired

gal; otherwise, you might be forced to rock pink locks for a week or so.

Try out these healthy beauty life hacks from and see

whether they work or not for yourself!

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